Free Workouts

All workouts are done at your own risk. By participating in any free ZONED Virtual workout, you hold ZONED Fitness LLC harmless for any injury you may suffer as a result of using the below workouts.

Keith Laug Keith Laug

12 Days of Christmas Ladder

Back by popular demand, a new 12 days of Xmas ladder! Give yourself some time. This is not a 45 minute workout (unless you’re awesome)! There is no equipment needed but you can add weight to some of the exercises if you’d like. If you like it, post your effort (perhaps your myzone meps or just a picture post workout) and don’t forget to tag @zonedfitnessbeacon! Good luck!!

If you’re not familiar with this ladder format, do exercise #1, then drop down to #2, then back up to #1. Next, drop down to #3, followed by #2, then #1. After #1 go down to the next exercise on the list and work your way back up the ladder. When done, you will have completed exercise #1 twelve times and exercise #12 once.

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